Lively Legz

I’m going to start this off by saying that I have no affiliation with Lively Legz, I only use their product. Back in 2017, I was starting to get pretty serious about fly fishing and learning to tie. I had started to have a pretty good collection of materials by that point, and learned several different pattern. Looking back through pictures of flies that I thought were great, I now can see that the proportions were a mess. Hardly any consistency in thorax length, tail length, and amount of materials used. These flies did catch fish though. For Christmas, my brother in law got me a two pack of their benefit flies, as one of the owners was a teacher at my nieces school. I looked on their site and bought a few packs of legs to play around with. I started trimming them to fit my favorite patterns, and tied dozens of them. An odd thing happened when I started tying these patterns without legs again…my proportions were spot on. An unintended bonus of messing around was finding the thing I needed to get my proportions consistent. Since then, I’ve built entire patterns around a set of their legs. What is a tool to create a semi realistic fly can also be used a measuring tool when sized properly. I don’t know if I’d have my business, or this hobby that’s been apart of my life for this long if not for them. That’s why they’ll always have my support. That and the fact they’re a local (kind of) company. I highly suggest you support them as well!


One year in Business


The Pittsburgh Prince