Paying it forward, with flies.
For a couple of weeks i tried to think of something I could do to get people interested in fishing, whether it be fly fishing, local entomology, fish feeding patterns, conservation, or just plain spin fishing. I had a very good year, and really have been getting my name out there. So, I came up with the idea to have a few fly stations posted on some popular fishing spots on a local stream. Bull Creek has always held a special place in my heart. I caught my first fish there, I fell in for my first time there, I honed my fly fishing skills, and developed and tested multiple patterns in the DHALO section. I ran the idea past Nick and Jennifer at Sylvester Engraving and they graciously donated three signs to my project. I spent a few mornings this week tying 3 signature pattern dozens, and 3 signature streamer half dozens. I attached them to the signs, and set out to tie them on some trees. The nymphs can be used under a float on a spinning rod, same with the streamers. My father took me to bull creek when I was 4 years old, and then took me to Erie for Steelhead when I was 5. They’re some of my favorite and earliest memories. If there’s a chance I can be apart of that memory for someone else, then it will be an absolute success. There’s also a chance that these end up in someone garage or fishing room, and I’m surprisingly ok with that as well. If these go really well I think I’m going to open it up for sponsors to have their name engraved on it so they can put it on their favorite stream. Thank you all!