A hell of a year. On to the next!

Thank you 2024

I’d like to take the time to say thank you to all of my customers and supporters in 2024.  When I started this last year, I had an idea of what I wanted to do, 2024 really took it into a different direction.  The interest you all have taken in my variants and patterns really makes me excited for the years to come.  I have an endless amount of creativity, my mind is always looking at bugs or fish and wondering how to translate it to a fly, and if that fly will catch fish.   That being said, the KO Shiners have absolutely blown up.  I pretty much have spent the last couple of months tying and shipping KOs in various forms across the country.  I’ll have some news coming up with those as well.  I have so many experimental patterns tied up waiting to be tested, and I’m excited to show it off when it’s done.  2024 has been incredible, and I think you’re really going to like what 2025 will bring.  I have some good collaborations coming up going into new territory for me.  My overall goal is to offer things you can only get from me.  I want to create an experience that’s uniquely mine. From patterns and variants, to materials, tools, and merchandise, I’m really trying to build this brand to be something special.  There’s a billion generic fly shops, and I don’t want to be one of them.  I’d also like shout out all of the incredible people I’ve met since starting this.  Between my locals, national, and international customers, I have to say that you’re quite a unique bunch of people.  Somehow I’ve attracted the weirdest bunch of fishermen, and I love them all.   I never thought in a million years I’d be having regular conversations with sausage makers in Argentina, flats guides in Florida, dudes who spend their summers in national parks, morticians who really like KO Shiners, Cuban American steelhead fishermen who only want size 18 stoneflies, former professional athletes, Grammy nominated artists, or a Canadian cannabis farmer who insists the pearl midge is the worlds greatest invention.  I can already tell 2025 is going to get weird, and I’m here for it.  Thank you all.  Here’s to a healthy, successful, and drama free 2025!


It’s been a while…


Food drive, earrings, other stuff