Food drive, earrings, other stuff

‘Tis the season for the second annual Nemeth Plumbing Solutions Christmas Food Drive. Last year I was able to buy food to feed hungry families for Christmas. This year I’m pretty much donating the profits from anything sold from Thanksgiving to December 15th. I decided to make some limited edition earrings to maximize to profits donated. These took off like crazy, which is pretty surprising. Last month I did two special fly packs for Diabetes awareness as it’s something I’ve dealt with in my family. It went alright, a small amount was donated. I reached out to prominent name in the industry and asked if he were interested. I told him there was no obligation, and he never even responded. I donated a few dozen flies to help his cause the previous month, a yes or no would have been great. Oh well, can’t rely on others I suppose. Some of these people aren’t what they portray, that’s for sure. Anyway, doing some good this holiday season. Can’t wait to see how much food can be purchased.


A hell of a year. On to the next!


Mystery Boxes!